Noble Battle Fought in the Small Business Revolution

In December, the City of Frostburg’s Main Street organization FrostburgFirst received word that the city was a semi-finalist for Deluxe Corp.’s Small Business Revolution.

The city didn’t move on, but not for a lack of trying. It’s clear that the other cities had stronger media markets that would be beneficial for the firm running the contest, which included a Hulu Web series. (Winners are to be announced Thursday, Feb. 22.) Still, the Small Business Revolution feature plans to share video on Facebook and maybe even other platforms from Frostburg (as well as other cities who didn’t make it—Marietta, Ohio and Woodland Park, Colo.) during the spring or summer while they prep for filming the new season in the winning town.

On the local level, it helped businesses and organizations and FSU to work together. Heck, this helped me work with other people at FSU even more.

One item I helped with was making a video at commencement that showed the appreciation students have for our businesses. The initial announcement was poor timing for us as students were wrapping up exams and commencement was around the corner. It just forces you to be more inventive.

The reason I’m including this video isn’t about what the students are saying, but instead the packaging. I wanted this to have Frostburg First’s branding.

I received the Illustrator file logo (which was created by a FSU student!) and cleaned it up so I could split the buildings and letters into individual layers. This allowed me to bring it from Photoshop to PremierePro and do the simple motion you see in the intro.  A nice royalty free jingle rounds out the bumper to make it complete. I provided FrostburgFirst will all of the files if they wish to use it for future videos.

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